[TIME] for Round Top!
/ponder - round top
a space to experience
a place to be refreshed
Greek - [anapsuxis]
- a recovery of breath, a refreshing
- a cooling off
- properly, breathe easily (again)
- 'reviving with fresh air'
This word is one of the only words that describes the experience of Ponder - Round Top!
And the only time this Greek word is used is in Acts 3:20…
“that times of refreshing would come from the presence of the Lord...”
Greek - [kairos]
-an opportune time
-derived from kara ("head") referring to things "coming to a head" to take full-advantage of
-a favorable moment
Greek - [prosópon]
- face
JOIN US on September 20-22 in Round Top!
SAME unique space! NEW tools & experiences from PONDER!
Start your fall off with us and return home with tools for your own ongoing conversation with God… and new tools to help you keep pondering with a few, some, or many!