pierced through for [PEACE]
/Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken, Smitten of God, and afflicted.
[He was pierced through]
for our [transgressions],
He was crushed for our iniquities;
The chastening
[for our well-being]
fell upon Him,
And by His scourging
[we are healed].
Isaiah 53:4-5
We are healed! Work backwards through this verse. You will find contrast & purpose! This Holy Week think on the cross through the lens of these words of Isaiah. Add pictures and personalize the scene.
“I am healed! I am stitched together. Mended. Repaired.” Ponder that. Thank God for that! Celebrate the mending! He has sewn us back together by His brokenness.
He carried and lifted up every sorrow. Every pain. Every anxiety. Every illness. All that you and I are “carrying”. He has already held on his back. Bore. It is personal. He has felt the weight and is familiar with our sorrows. He has carried them.
Being PIERCED THROUGH & CRUSHED… wounded and broken into pieces - He brought our wholeness. Our peace.
Praying through these words this week will be much different than reading them or hearing them. Ask questions. Give these familiar words space. Pray. Lean in and talk. Remember prayer is an exchange. An exchange of our human thoughts for the divine Presence and His thoughts. Engage with Him.
As you look to the Him this week-
May the LORD lift up His countenance - His face - upon you. And GIVE YOU PEACE! (Numbers 6:26)
Write these words. There is no rushing through this. Write. Pray. Our faith is founded on these words. Give them time!
Stare and circle and connect the thoughts. Look at all the relationship between the words.
Contrast [piercing & crushed] with [well-being & healing]
Look at other verses with the word [SHALOM].
Look at the word [transgressions] = it will lead you to a revolt. A rebellion. And confession.
Talk to someone about these words. Get them off the page and into the atmosphere!
Isaiah says "SURELY!" It is certain. All that is plaguing your heart & mind - It is sure. He has carried it. Therefore, pray with a different view of the things that are breaking your heart. Write and/or speak out the cries of your heart. The afflictions and the pain that surround you and those you love today. Pray for them. Lift your voice to Him. Cry out! He can handle your emotion. He is familiar. Surely.
We are stitched together - healed - made whole. Spend time thanking Him for the mending!
By His piercing into pieces. Crushing. Peace was the result. Ponder the contrast. Pray through it.
Look for physical signs of wholeness & peace
Listen to song after song about the truth of the cross & LIFE from the reserrection!
This weekend - choose a favorite Easter Hymn and ponder a word from it. Experience how that word becomes 3D and then sing it LOUDLY!
Play this song below to help you picture the night of the cross and personalize it. The lyrics will create pictures for you!