/This word.
It is a prayer. It is a truth. It is the way God speaks to us.
At Round Top we found this word in the definition of the word TELL.
Jeremiah 33:3 - Read it now!
There is an exchange that includes MANIFEST.
We cry out - He TELLS. He speaks. He manifests. He makes known.
In a world where God is understood as silent, this word contradicts the lie.
This month we are pondering the word [manifest]. That means… we are looking at it over and over again. Digging around in verses that use this word. Looking for Him. Talking to Him.
Pray this one word prayer. “Manifest!”
Pray it for the people you love and into every situation today. He does appear. He does make Himself known. He does answer our cries. We need only be aware. Give him space in your mind’s eye to appear!
We all need a little help to continue abiding in His words and continue conversation with God. The next 3 months we are going to experiment with a new tool! I will be using Instagram to lead people through One Word a month. The goal is to give consistent CUES to turn your mind back to living words and conversation with God! CUES will include scripture, music, experience cues, tips on looking up words, ancient prayers… a little of everything! Use these in your own conversation with the Lord and/or use them with a FEW.
Instagram stories are a great place I can communicate so much of what we do in person. So, follow along and be part of the conversation as pondering via Instagram morphs!
Join us on Instagram @ponder.ing
October word = [MANIFEST]
Jeremiah 33:3 - Manifest in conversation
Psalm 19:1 - Manifest in creation
Luke 24:31-32 - Jesus manifest to us
1 John 1:2 - LIFE is manifested in the senses
2 Corinthians 2:14 - Christ manifests through us