crowds, palms & miracles [SEEN]
/The triumphal Entry by GusTave Dore, 1876
It’s Palm Sunday weekend! We have much to celebrate and remember as we begin our journey through Holy Week. I pray this post from years past will encourage you to ENGAGE in the familiar story. Palms waving, coats spreading, crowds cheering… picture it! I encourage you to dig in and see where God takes you individually. Let these present circumstances make room for engaging Him… individually and with a few others - TOGETHER! I pray these living Words will guide your thoughts and prayers as we begin to focus on the HOPE, PEACE and LIFE that is ours because of the cross and because of an empty tomb! Just a reminder - there are many links within each post to help you dig into the words yourself. Hover and click to find definitions and other verses that use the same word. These posts are not to be simply read. But instead, a tool for you to use as you abide in the Words. From my house to yours - “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!” with love, Michelle
As He was going, they were spreading their coats on the road.
As soon as He was approaching, near the descent of the Mount of Olives,
the whole crowd of the disciples began to
praise God joyfully with a [loud voice]
for all the [miracles]
which they had [seen],
Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"
Luke 19:36-38
The followers of Jesus were getting loud! Waving palms & throwing their coats on the road! Paving the way for a King on a donkey! The picture may be familiar to us…
but let’s enter the scene. Enter into the crowd this week. Enter into the spirit and truth of what was happening on that road.
This scene that was 2,000 years ago is also the backdrop of today. We ARE on the road. And there is a KING coming!
So enter into the joyful, loud voices! Today...REMEMBER!
All the miracles that you have seen & experienced!
Write them down! Talk about them! Be mindful of what He has done!
Look back. He has performed miracles in your life… Recount them.
Look forward. Jesus is coming!! He will triumphantly enter again!
Most likely these are familiar words and images...Don't let familiarity keep you from the experience of these words!
Live joyfully this week with this picture of a coming King as your backdrop!
Write the verses & phrases above down! These words give us specifics on the triumphal entry & re-entry of our King!
As you write down these verses, take note of the details of the crowd. What are they doing? Saying? Picture it!
Write down miracles! Make quick lists or long prayers. Just start turning your mind to what you have seen Him do!
Look at this word miracles...It is all about power and ability.
In this same passage in Luke 19 -Jesus says something as He is riding in on the donkey. Jesus - "I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!"
Hmmm. A good question to discuss… “Have I become silent?”
He is coming again - look for those verses… Mark 13:26 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory!
Matthew 21:8-9 is another account of the same story. Read and find the word [HOSANNA] - it is a cry, a prayer! Dig in!
TALK to someone or a few about this passage! It will come alive! You need to hear what they have to say!
Remember the powerful things He has done… it will change the way we pray for things now. He is able. We have seen it.
Engage in simple questions that come from the passage - "What miracles have I seen?" - "Have I become silent?"
Use music to engage. Listen to our playlist Ponder [the Cross] on Spotify or make your own.
Listen to the song below. It has haunted my mind in the best way this season. It is short. A prelude. So listen to it twice! May it be your anthem this week!
P O N D E R news!
Our Round Top Retreat was canceled for this weekend. We are sad to not be together… But we look forward to the GIFT it will be when we gather again!