join the {CONVERSATION} this season
/We are about to enter into a conversation!
A lively, real, exchange.
An exchange between you & God.
And hopefully that conversation will overflow into others around you.
We call it pondering. It is an ongoing conversation with God & others.
An exchange!
Did you know the word {PRAYER} literally means “to exchange”?
prós - "towards, exchange"
euxe - "a wish, prayer"
—an exchange of wishes!
In a conversation there is room.
There is SPACE.
Space for belief. Space for doubting.
Space for Him to be seen and heard.
A few of us have been pondering one word at at time for a few years.
Giving words SPACE. Staying on them…
Not for study sake. But for “hanging on for dear life” sake!
Otherwise known as [abiding]. Staying connected and remaining in words we see and hear.
This movement of words has spread - not via internet.
But via conversation. Person to person.
The last two years I have posted online to a few during the 40 days of Lent.
So here we go. Year 3. (Past posts are not online anymore. They will be coming to you in a new format on our new website. Stay tuned!)
A specific period of time with a specific focus. Leading us to a specific time of year…
A conversation that prepares us for the mourning of the crucifixion and the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Conversation. Experience.
You will hear the word {experience} a lot on this site.
We only post to give you prompts to dig into words and experience conversation, music, creation, art… first hand!
So… here’s the invitation!
A {call} - the Greek word means {an invitation}
A call to words within the context of conversation.
Words will take you to:
more conversation
And soon - a word that once you thought little of, will take on a life of its own.
Just show up.
Join us!
Ponder. 40 days.
CONVERSATION with the One we celebrate this season!
Are you in?
We "few" are offering:
Emails throughout the 40 days with a prompt to ponder
Verses to use as a springboard for your conversation with God
Prompts: music, prayers, art, classic books and ideas... all for you to experience God first hand
Tools to dig into the Word and make it 3d as you walk in it
Ideas on how to connect the invisible with the visible - the presence of God in the seen and unseen!
Your part:
Just decide. Decide to engage conversation with the Lord for 40 days
Remember. His priority is BEING with you. Not our activity level, but our conversation.
Sign up here to receive the Ponder 40 days - pondering prompts (Official start is March 6) If you have subscribed to ponder site before you already signed up!
Anyone who subscribes to this site will receive the emails for 40 days. So if you are already have subscribed to, you are signed up!
Go shopping! Yes... you need to buy a journal that you will FILL this 40 days.
Tell a friend. Or a few. Talk, wrestle, wonder… together! That was the plan all along.
Follow us on Instagram! Some people give up social media for Lent… I take It on for 40 days!
Encourage me with your comments and hashtag #ponder40days