sense & {KNOW}
/"Observe the forms
and beauties
of sensible things
and comprehend the Word of God in them. If you do so, the truth will reveal to you in all such things only He who made them."
~ Johannes Scotus Eriugena
How blessed are the people who [KNOW] the joyful sound!
The word [KNOW} is one to stay on as we enter these 40 days. It is used MANY times by Jesus. And if we are talking to Him on this road to Easter - we need to give some thought and time to [KNOW]!
When you hear the word “KNOW” or “KNOWLEDGE” what do you think of? Facts, information, study?
KNOW many times in scripture is quite the opposite of facts acquired. Instead - the verses & stories & definitions point to experience. Experiencing something first hand!
Honestly - keeping knowledge at the gathering information stage is easy and pretty comfortable. Read, study, gather info… smile, nod, maybe pray… move on.
Experiencing something or someone takes more time, more effort, more seeing, more hearing… walking.
Make me {KNOW} Your ways, O LORD;
Teach me Your paths. PS. 25:4
Picture the scene:
Jesus talking to God - before He is arrested and put on the cross.
John 17:1-3 - Turn there in your Bible and read it.
(What phrases stick out to you? Circle them, write them down!)
Look at Jesus’ statement in verse 3! He answers the age old question…
“What is LIFE all about anyway?”
“this is eternal life, that they may [KNOW] You…” - Jesus
(write this down, personalize this phrase)
to know by observation and experience
a knowledge grounded on personal experience
properly, to know, through first-hand acquaintance
Therefore - LIFE = first hand acquaintance with God!
But how in the world do we get beyond facts about God and know Him?
John opens the book of 1 John with some answers!
what we have seen with our eyes,
concerning the Word of Life
-and the life was manifested, 1 John 1:1-2
(later you can click on the colored words above to find link to the original language definitions and other verses that use the same word)
Life IS manifested!
And we can experience Him through our senses!
He is manifesting all around us! Through HIs people, Spirit, Words…
LIFE appears! In everything from our breath to creation! Life now and forever.
LOOK & LISTEN today!
engage your senses
This week find things to touch & see & hear.
See if LIFE itself - LIFE Himself - is appearing to you!!!
Touch people you love today. As you do, take note of how LIFE is manifested to you through them.
Experience a sunset, a road, a breeze, an ocean, a mountain, a rainstorm… notice how truth and life are in it.
Reread the quote above… “Observe the forms and beauties…”
Always turn the words you have written & read into a prayer/conversation/exchange! Look at what you have written and found and go from there! Here’s an example:
for you - “LORD, make me aware. Help me see and hear. Today put my senses on high alert! Make me notice the spiritual in the physical. Let me sense the unseen in the seen! You have given me LIFE now and forever! Let me know You - through first hand experiences!”
for others - “LORD, let _____ KNOW you today! Let him see you! Hear you! Notice you!”
Talk to SOMEONE today and throughout the week. Ask them what they think these words mean. How do we know God? How have they experienced Him first hand? Wrestle with these truths. Don’t leave them on the pages of the Bible or your notebook!
Don’t forget to be singing your “anthem” song on your journey today! Wherever the road takes you - Look, Hear, Touch… He manifests through the senses.
Click here and scroll down to the verses where John uses this word [LIFE] over & over again. Build pictures around this word LIFE!.
To be continued… See where the words of John 17:3 & 1 John 1:1-2 take you!