don’t miss THURSDAY - foot washing, mandates & a table to REMEMBER!
/Nicolas Bertin 1720-1730
THURSDAY of Holy Week.
Also known as:
-Maundy Thursday
-Holy Thursday
-the Thursday of Mysteries!
“Maundy” comes from the Latin word mandatum meaning a mandate or command.
It all started with a good foot washing and a NEW mandate!
Here is the backdrop of the whole scene.
had given all things into His hands,
and that He had come forth from God
John 13:3
On this Thursday, Jesus knew the complete story. He knew where He had come from and where He was going. The beginning and the end.
And in the knowing, He chose to spend His last day as a free man in the company of those He was most intimate with - the disciples.
He chose to wash feet. He chose to listen to his friends argue about the washing and not washing, which parts should be washed or not… and even a discussion about who was “regarded to be the greatest”. Luke 22:24
In the midst of all that craziness, He gave them a new mandate.
A new commandment I give to you,
that you also love one another.
that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35
So on that Thursday, Jesus chose to shelter in place with those closest to Him… even if they were arguing and even it they did drive Him crazy…
“Don’t you understand what I have been telling you?“ He said over and over again!
Still He chose them.
He chose to remind them of what is most important - loving and being loved.
He chose a physical sign of that love, through the selfless act of throwing aside His garment and washing EACH ONE’S feet.
What is your response to His love for you? Look at the picture above and see what character resonates with you? Talk to God about that. Where are you in the story today?
Take time for the intimacy of THURSDAY. Mull over the words of this day in the LONG conversation found in John 13-17. These words are like balm to the soul. They are spoken by Jesus, out-loud, to His followers around and near the table. They are for you.
Take time for the table of THURSDAY where He gave another physical sign of His sacrificial love. The wine, the bread… and the word “REMEMBER”
Jesus had a lot to say on THURSDAY! I am calling it the WORDiest day of Holy Week.
Words that included:
A departure & a return
Peace being left
A Comforter coming
Taking heart in times of trouble
Read through John 13-17. Let the conversation soothe & comfort. Marinate in the truths and listen for what He is speaking to YOU… personally.
He chooses You. He KNOWS the beginning and end.
And in the middle of our messy lives and hurting world, take comfort that He KNOWS the end of the story.
And in the middle of our not knowing, He gives us a new mandate - “LOVE! Love as I love you.”
Ponder the mysteries on this very wordy day of Holy Week!
Don’t miss the intimacy of Thursday!
If you are looking for some words to ponder about the Cross this weekend. Check out this post below from last year.